The Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados [Brazilian General Data Protection Regulation, LGPD] ensures a set of personal data rights to you, the data subject. We undertake to, and are worried about your privacy and personal data protection, whence your rights under the Law are hereby listed as follows.

Data subjects, according to article 5th of the Brazilian General Data Protection Regulation (“LGPD”), are the individuals the personal data being processed is related to. For that reason, and considering that informational self-determination is one of the LGPD principles, the referred to law ensures numerous rights to be exercised by you, as a data subject, to make sure that you will have the proper control and transparency over your data flow and personal data.

Your Rights Definition
Confirmation and Access You can check if your Personal Data is being processed, by requesting so; if they are, you can access them and also request copies of your records.
Correction If your Personal Data are incomplete, incorrect, or obsolete, you can request to have them rectified.
Anonymization, blocking, or elimination  Você pode solicitar:

i) to have your Personal Data rendered anonymous, so that they will not be related to you (as such, they will no longer be your Personal Data);

ii) to have your Personal Data blocked, so that they will not be processed for certain purposes for a specific period; or

iii) to have your Personal Data eliminated. After such request, we proceed to erase all your Personal Data, which cannot be recovered anymore.

Sharing Information You have the right to know what private and public entities have your Personal Data shared with the Company. On a case-by-case analysis, we can limit the information provided to you, if such disclosure represents a breach of intellectual property or to a secrecy of our businesses. 
Information on the possibility of not giving consent You have the right to receive clear and comprehensive information on the possibilities and consequences of not giving consent, whenever they are required by the Data Controller. Your consent, when required, shall be free and informed. You are always entitled to not give consent, but in such cases, some services may not be provided.
Withdrawal of consent You can always withdraw the consent given for any Personal Data processing; However, it will not affect the lawfulness of previous Processing. You should be aware since certain services may be provided after the consent withdrawal.
Objection Law authorizes Personal Data processing even without your consent or a contract. In such cases, we will only process your Personal Data if we have the right reasons to do so. If you are not satisfied with the processing of your Personal Data, you can always object to it and request us to stop.

If you have any reasons to believe we are not complying with our Privacy Note and/or the data protection law in the processing of your Personal Data or, if you want to exercise your rights as a data subject, you can contact our Personal Data Officer via e-mail: